Overview of Ceremonies on Niverville's Journey Toward Truth and Reconciliation

The First National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021, was an important day in Niverville, not only because it was the day that our community's new Historical/Cultural Museum was officially opened, but it also marked the beginning of a series of other Community Events over the course of the next year that are all part of Niverville's Journey Toward Truth and Reconciliation . One can find summaries of the various ceremonies listed below at this link , and from there one can gain further links to an even more in-depth coverage and analysis of each of those ceremonies to which your comments and feedback are encouraged. 1. The Opening of Niverville's Cultural/Historical Museum on September 30 , 2021 -- Part 1 2. The Opening of Niverville's Cultural/Historical Museum on September 30 , 2021 -- Part 2 3. The Ribbon-cutting for an Authentic Métis Red River Ca...